Saturday, February 14, 2009

* Pocket Change Portfolio - January 2009

On the second or third Saturday of the month I update the Pocket Change Portfolio (PCP). The table below reconciles the PCP from beginning of period to end of period for January 2009, Year-To-Date (2009) and Life-To-Date. The Portfolio Returns line provides the calculated return for the three displayed periods.

Description Jan-2009 Year-To-Date Life-To-Date
Beg. Portfolio Value 3,395.62 3,395.62 -
Online Cash Receipts 703.02 703.02 4,251.37
Online Expenses (10.00) (10.00) (104.40)
Gross Profit 693.02 693.02 4,146.97
Dividends - - 25.16
Interest Income 1.13 1.13 7.28
Subtotal 694.15 694.15 4,179.41
Gain/(Loss) (194.06) (194.06) (283.7)
Ending Portfolio Value 3,895.71 3,895.71 3,895.71
Portfolio Returns (4.72%) (4.72%) (-32.90%)
Online Cash Receipts are the collected earnings from my online endeavors. Most of which is advertising on the my various blogs. The $10.00 Online Expenses relates to registering 1 domain ( The Dividends line is for dividends earned in the PCP. The Interest Income line is interest earned on cash balances in an ING account I set up for the PCP. The Gain/(Loss) line is for market changes to the PCP (realized and unrealized).

With the move to WordPress at the end of January, I suspect that online earnings will drop for a period of time until Dividends Value has a chance to establish itself.

During the month of January, I purchased 26 shares of Consolidated Edison, Inc. this will provide me with an additional $60.84 of annual dividend income. I did not receive any dividends in January. I ended the month with $1,046.97 in cash. This will allow me to purchase my fourth stock in the PCP during the month of February or March. It is my goal to have sufficient earnings to purchase a stock at least once a quarter.

My PCP holdings are always available by selecting the Holdings option from the menu in the header. The next PCP update will be in early March.
