Monday, December 31, 2007
* Stock Analysis: SYY

Saturday, December 29, 2007
* My Dividend Income Holdings
In late November 2007 I added a widget to display my dividend holdings on the right sidebar. I have not been completely satisfied with this widget for a several reasons:
Friday, December 28, 2007
* Carnival of Personal Finance #132
The Digerati Life hosted this week's Carnival of Personal Finance. For those readers not familiar with the CoPF, it's where personal finance bloggers submit their best articles of the week with one blog doing the hosting. The entries are separated into categories including Editor’s Picks, Credit and Debt, Budgeting and Frugality, Investing and Wealth Building, Shopping and Consumerism, Money Management and Financial Planning, Insurance and Risk Management, Financial Thoughts and Advice, Taxes and The Economy, and Real Estate.
Thursday, December 27, 2007
* Dividends4Life Toolbox
Presented here are some models and tools you might find useful:
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
* Reaching Your 10-Year Investing Goal
A few weeks ago The Dividend Guy posted an article titled "What Will it Take to Have $300,000 by 2018?". In his article he calculated how much money he needed to save on a monthly basis and considered various scenarios by changing the rate of return.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
* Merry Christmas 2007

Merry Christmas!
FREE Magazines and Other Resources!
Thank you for subscribing to Dividends4Life!
Thank you for subscribing to Dividends4Life!
Monday, December 24, 2007
* Stock Analysis: FR

Saturday, December 22, 2007
Friday, December 21, 2007
* Carnival of Personal Finance #131
This week I participated in two Carnivals, the Carnival of Personal Finance #131 and the Carnival of Smarter Investing #9. Details of each are listed below.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
* Dynamic Dividend Investing
This article appeared in the Carnival of Personal Finance #132.
Monday, December 17, 2007
* Stock Analysis: USB

Linked here is a PDF copy of my detailed analysis of U.S. Bancorp (USB) (alt.1, alt.2). Below are some highlights from the above linked analysis:
Saturday, December 15, 2007
* You're Fired!
Mr. M as we have previously discussed, your recent performance has been less than expected for someone in your position, with your experience. I realize that you have been with the company for over 10 years and were an Achiever during that time, but your recent behavior is not something that can be tolerated in this organization and your qualifications no longer meet the criteria set forth in this position's job description. It is nothing personal, but I'm going to have to let you go. You will be escorted to your desk and be allowed to gather your personal effects, then escorted out of my portfolio!
Friday, December 14, 2007
* Carnival of Personal Finance #130
Money $mart Life hosted this week's Carnival of Personal Finance. For those readers not familiar with the CoPF, it's where personal finance bloggers submit their best articles of the week with one blog doing the hosting. The entries are separated into categories including Financial Reflection & Planning, Frugal Living, Saving Money, Making Money, Debt, Credit Cards, Travel Finance, College, Real Estate, Insurance, Career, Economy, Money Mistakes, Money Management, Prosper, Investing and Other.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
* 5 Lessons Learned About Investing
Four years and one day ago on December 11, 2003, I purchased my first dividend stock. Granted my motives were not pure, nor did I have a clue as to what I was doing. Prior to that I had always been an aggressive growth investor. During my investing years, I have learned many things. However, I would rank these 5 lessons as the most important:
Monday, December 10, 2007
* Stock Analysis: ED

Saturday, December 8, 2007
* The Canadian Connection
As a relatively new blogger, the one thing that has stood out in my mind is the number of Canadian bloggers in the areas that I am most interested in - finances and dividend investing. I am always scouring the web looking for new ideas and concepts, and it seems that no matter what I use for my launching point, I end up on a Canadian financial/investing site.
Friday, December 7, 2007
* This Week's Carnivals
It was a busy week for Carnivals! I participated in two Carnivals. Details of each are listed below.
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
* Dividend Investing With ETFs
This article appeared in the Carnival of Personal Finance #130.
Monday, December 3, 2007
* Stock Analysis: MCD

Saturday, December 1, 2007
* Investing Goals
Public goals and progress reports are a long-standing tradition in the world of personal finance blogs. As I conclude my first month of blogging, I have given much thought as to what I would put out in the public domain as my goals and how to report progress on them.
Friday, November 30, 2007
* Carnival of Personal Finance #128
This week's Carnival of Personal Finance #128 was hosted by StockTradingToGo. For those readers not familiar with the CoPF, it's where personal finance bloggers submit their best articles of the week with one blog doing the hosting. The entries are separated into categories including Investing, Debt, Saving and Budgeting, Money Management, Credit, Finance and Taxes, Career and Other.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
* What's Up With Citi's (C) Payday Loan?
Earlier this week it was reported in Bloomburg that Citigroup will receive $7.5 billion cash from the state-owned Abu Dhabi Investment Authority (ADIA) to prop up its capital base after record mortgage losses wiped out almost half its market value. Initially this looked like a good thing. However, I found this quote a little disturbing:
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
* Stock Analysis: BAC

Monday, November 26, 2007
The Most Important Financial Statement
We all know what surprising the street will do to a stock's price. The street focuses on quarterly revenue, EPS, EBIT, EBITDA and margins. The income statement is where you find all the metrics that the street loves. It therefore must be the most important financial statement. Not!
Friday, November 23, 2007
* Carnival of Personal Finance #127
Moolanomy did an incredible job hosting this week's Carnival of Personal Finance #127. For those readers not familiar with the CoPF, it's where personal finance bloggers submit their best articles of the week with one blog doing the hosting. The entries are separated into categories including Real Estate, Investing, Taxes, Credit, Debt, Economy, Saving, Frugality, Insurance, Money Management, Budgeting and Finance.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
* Men at Work
I am currently moving to a three column template so please forgive the "mess" while construction is underway. I have already learned that widgets lose their contents when you import an xml file... Sigh...
No substantive content has been lost so I will recover.
No substantive content has been lost so I will recover.
FREE Magazines and Other Resources!
Thank you for subscribing to Dividends4Life!
Thank you for subscribing to Dividends4Life!
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
* Stock Analysis: JNJ

* My Dividend Stock Holdings
I have added a widget that provides delayed quotes and news on dividend stocks I own. This is not a recommendation to buy these stocks. Some of the stocks listed I have classified as hold, thus I am neither buying or selling. For some others listed, I am waiting for the appropriate exit point. For all others, I am actively buying.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
* Financial Melt-down Continues
The financial melt-down continued yesterday. It was particularily brutal among the banks with Goldman's downgrade of Citigroup (C) to sell. Goldman's analyst said C's writedowns may total $15 billion over the next two quarters. Washington Mutual (WM) took it on the chin Monday losing an additional 7.3%. WM is down nearly 50% since early October.
Monday, November 19, 2007
* Yield on Cost: Measuring for Success
This article appeared in The Carnival of Personal Finance #128.
If the first step in sucuessfully managing something is to determine the desired outcome (set a goal), then the logical second step is to determine how to measure your progress to ensure you are moving toward your goal. Most investors look at anualized returns and compare it to a benchmark when evaluating their portfolio. Beyond benchmarking an annualized return, there is a great disparity in how investors measure their progress. One of the more interesting metrics I track is Yield on Cost (YOC). It is simply the annual dividend rate times number of shares owned divided by what you paid for the investment (basis).
If the first step in sucuessfully managing something is to determine the desired outcome (set a goal), then the logical second step is to determine how to measure your progress to ensure you are moving toward your goal. Most investors look at anualized returns and compare it to a benchmark when evaluating their portfolio. Beyond benchmarking an annualized return, there is a great disparity in how investors measure their progress. One of the more interesting metrics I track is Yield on Cost (YOC). It is simply the annual dividend rate times number of shares owned divided by what you paid for the investment (basis).
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Stock Analysis: AFL
Company Description: Aflac Incorporated engages in the marketing and sale of supplemental health and life insurance plans in the United States and Japan.
Friday, November 16, 2007
Weekly Links 11/16/2007
Million Dollar Journey did a wonderful job hosting The Carnival of Personal Finance #126. For those readers not familiar with the CoPF, it's where personal finance bloggers submit their best articles of the week with one blog doing the hosting. The entries are separated into categories including Real Estate, Investing, Tax Talk, Debt/Credit, Career, Economy, Saving/Frugality, Money Management and General Finance.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Stock Analysis: SFI
Linked here is a PDF copy of my detailed analysis of iStar Financial Inc. (SFI). Last week I added to my position in this stock. Below are some highlights from the above linked analysis:
Company Description: iStar Financial, Inc. operates as a finance company focused on the commercial real estate industry. The company, which is taxed as a real estate investment trust (REIT), provides financing to private and corporate owners of real estate.
Company Description: iStar Financial, Inc. operates as a finance company focused on the commercial real estate industry. The company, which is taxed as a real estate investment trust (REIT), provides financing to private and corporate owners of real estate.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Is Your Portfolio Average?
– Nick Saban, Head Football Coach, University of Alabama
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Fair Value Data
Each stock analysis contains a link to a detailed analytical PDF. In this PDF is a section titled Fair Value Data (located in the top left section of the PDF). This section provides metrics to help you to determine if the investment is trading at a premium, discount or if it is fairly priced. Below is a description of each item in the Fair Value Data section from page 2 of the detailed analysis:
Friday, November 9, 2007
Stock Analysis: ACAS
This article appeared in The Carnival of Personal Finance #126.
Linked here is a detailed quantitative analysis of Linked here is a PDF copy of my analysis of American Capital Strategies, Ltd. (ACAS). Earlier this week I added to my position in this stock. Below are some highlights from the above linked analysis:
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Share Buybacks - Do they really help?
In his Weekly Investing Roundup - November 2, 2007, The Dividend Guy wrote:
Even though I love dividend investing, there seems to be a real trend out there as companies turn to buying back shares instead of issuing dividends. I think there is a belief that buybacks bring more value to shareholders in the form of reduced float and higher share price. I am not convinced this is in investor’s best interests. Here is the article from S&P (pdf).
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Dividend Analytical Data
Rolling 4-yr Div. > 15%:
Dividends will double every 5 years if they grow by 15%. This test is TRUE, and a Star is added, if dividends grew on average in excess of 15% for each consecutive 4 year periods, within the last 10 years of history.
Dividend Growth Rate:
The minimum dividend growth rate of the 1, 3, 5, 7, 10 year dividend growth rate or 15%, if "Rolling 4-yr Div. > 15%". A Star is awarded if the dividend growth is 15% or greater.
Years of Div. Growth:
The number of consecutive years of dividend growth. A Star is awarded for consecutive growth in 10 or more years. A Star is deducted if the number of
years is less than 5 years.
1-Yr. > 5-Yr Growth:
This test identifies if dividend growth is accelerating. A Star is awarded if the 1-year dividend rate growth exceeds 5-year dividend growth rate.
Payout 15% of avg.:
This test identifies companies who have significantly increased dividends paid as a % of earnings. A Star is deducted if the current dividend payout exceeds the 10-year average by 15 points (+15%).
Rolling 4-yr Div. > 15% is one of my favorite attributes. This test evaluates the consistency of dividend increases over the last 10 years. If you are only looking at a 10-year average, a stock could double its dividend in the first year, grow it by 6% in the subsequent 9 years and end up with an 10-year average growth rate of 15.4%. However, that scenario would fail the Rolling 4-yr Div. > 15% test. A Star is added, if the result of this test is True.
For the Dividend Growth Rate I have opted to take a conservative route. I calculate a 1, 3, 5, 7, 10 year compound annual growth rate and assume the lowest value. However, if that amount is less than 15% and the Rolling 4-yr Div. > 15% test is true, I use 15%. By considering the Rolling 4-yr Div. > 15%, a company in a cyclical industry is not unduly penalized for having a single down year, when it has a history of being a strong performer. A Star is added if the dividend growth is 15% or greater.
We all want a raise each year from our employer. The same should be true for the companies we invest in. One of the most important aspects of a dividend stock is its ability to consistency raise dividends over time. Years of Div. Growth looks back and counts how many consecutive years the company has raised it dividend. A Star is added for consecutive growth in 10 or more years, while a Star is deducted for less than 5 years.
If growing dividends at a consistent rate is good, then growing dividends at an accelerated rate is excellent! The 1-Yr. > 5-Yr Growth test rewards companies when their last dividend increase that was in excess of the its 5-year compound annual growth rate. A Star is added to companies that pass the 1-Yr. > 5-Yr Growth test.
Most dividend companies understand the importance of a consistent dividend. When times are tough, most well-established dividend companies will attempt to maintain their dividend policy, even if it means paying out a higher percentage of their earnings. The Payout 15% of avg. test penalizes companies that have raised their dividend payout in excess of their 10-year average by 15 points (+15%) by deducting a Star. This does not necessarily mean a company is bad, it just merits further attention. It is a positive sign, if the company is willing to maintain its dividend policy during a short-term downturn. It is up to you to determine if the downturn is short-term or if something has fundamentally changed.
When evaluating a company's dividend attributes, what do you consider to be the most important?
Full Disclosure: No position in the aforementioned securities. See a list of all my income holdings here.
Related Articles
- Building Yield: 15 Consumer Goods Dividend Stocks
- 10 Higher Yield Dividend Stocks
- Who Owns The Top Dividend Stocks?
- Who Owns The Top Dividend Stocks?
- Top 10 Articles For 2010
(Photo Credit)
Tags: [PAYX]
Monday, November 5, 2007
Dividend Income vs. MMA
Why would you assume the equity risk and invest in a dividend stock if you could earn a better return in a less risky money market account (MMA)? When I screen for worthy dividend investments, one of my first tests is to determine if the investment will perform better than a MMA over time.
Last week I posted a Stock Analysis on PAYX including a link to a PDF containing a detailed analysis. In this article, I will explore the section titled Dividend Income vs. MMA (located in the top right section of the above linked PDF). This section helps me determine if the investment's dividend income could possibly pay more than interest earned from a MMA, over time. Below is a description of each item in the Dividend Income vs. MMA section from page 2 of the analysis:
MMA Rate:Considering the proxy was paying 5.36% APR at the time this article was written, yield's on most dividend paying stocks are well below that of a high-yield MMA . Thus, my emphasis on over time. As noted in the NPV MMA Diff. description above, my chosen time horizon is 20 years. Given the future uncertaintly, if it takes less than 5 years for the investment's annual earnings to exceed the MMA's annual earning (Years to >MMA), a Star is added.
Representative high money market rate (MMA) at a financial institution that is insured by the FDIC up to the legal limit ($100,000). Currently using a 20 year Treasury as a proxy.
NPV MMA Diff.:
The basis of this calculation is a hypothetical $1,000 investment in this stock and a MMA earning the MMA Rate above. The value calculated is the net present value (NPV) of the cumulative differences between the dividend earnings of this investment and the interest income from the MMA over 20 years. Other assumptions include: 1.) dividends grow at the Dividend Growth Rate above, 2.) dividends are reinvested, 3.) share price appreciation is not considered, 4.) interest income is reinvested in the MMA. A Star is added for amounts over a certain amount depending on how long a company has paid a dividend. $10,000 for a company that has paid a dividend for less than 10 years, $7,500 for a company that has paid a dividend from 10-25 years and $2,500 for a company that has paid a dividend for more than 25 years. A Star is deducted if the amount is negative.
Years to >MMA:
The number of years until dividend earnings exceed the earnings from a hypothetical money market account earning the MMA rate above, considering the other assumptions listed in "NPV MMA Diff." above. A Star is added if the number of years is less than 5.
To quickly perform this test, I enter 10 years of dividend payments and the current yield of a stock into my model. Given those inputs, the model will calculate the NPV of the earnings difference on a hypothetical $1,000 investment in the stock and a MMA. If the amount calculated is negative, you would earn more by putting your money in a MMA. Even if the amount is positive, a lot can happen in 20 years, so I look for a $10,000 cushion. This is the level I have elected to add a Star.
Let me point out some potential flaws to my calculation:
- I assume a steady interest rate for the MMA over the 20 year period.
- Since I am looking at the ability of the investment to generate income, I ignore any share price appreciation.
Before I perform the tests above, I check to see if the company has lowered its dividend over the last 10 years.
What is the first thing you look at when evaluating a dividend stock?
Full Disclosure: No position in the aforementioned securities. See a list of all my income holdings here.
Related Articles:
- Building Yield: 15 Consumer Goods Dividend Stocks
- 10 Higher Yield Dividend Stocks
- Who Owns The Top Dividend Stocks?
- Who Owns The Top Dividend Stocks?
- Top 10 Articles For 2010
(Photo Credit)
Tags: PAYX
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Stock Analysis: PAYX
Company Description: Paychex, Inc. provides payroll and integrated human resource and employee benefits outsourcing solutions for small- to medium-sized businesses in the United States.
Friday, November 2, 2007
Process Overview and Asset Allocation
I am a process oriented investor. By process oriented I am referring to a defined system that I follow when investing - to the point it is nearly mechanical. That's not to say it is rigid; it is constantly evolving and changing as I learn.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
The First Post….
Like many that came before me, I am on a journey to construct a portfolio that will provide me...
Dividends 4 Life
Dividends 4 Life
Monday, October 1, 2007
Overview and Subscribe
D4L-Premium Services is designed to provide the busy dividend growth investor with a wealth of relevant information. Each week the D4L-Premium Services publishes pertinent data on 250+ of the best dividend stocks. It consists of:
Click here For additional information, sample reports and pricing.
- D4L-Dashboard: An easy to read, color-coded, dashboard that sorts the 250+ stocks by Stars and yield.
- Analytical Reports: A detailed analytical report is available for all 250+ stocks tracked.
- D4L-Data: A LibreOffice (OpenOffice) spreadsheet containing a significant amount of data on each of the 250+ dividend stocks tracked. The data is sortable and has built-in buttons and macros to make it easy to use.
- D4L-Alerts: Subscribers get an email alert when relevant news breaks, when content has been updated, or when I make a trade in my income portfolio.
Click here For additional information, sample reports and pricing.
2011 D4L-Data
This page is no longer maintained.
All Premium content is now available at
D4L-Pemium Services.
D4L-Data is a premium feature consisting of an Open Office spreadsheet containing a significant amount of data on each of the dividend stocks that I track. The data is sortable and has built-in buttons and macros to make it easy to use. This spreadsheet requires Open Office, which is available for multiple platforms (Windows, Linux, Mac, Solaris, etc.) and in multiple languages. Click here to download a FREE copy of Open Office.
Each weekend I update the D4L-Data spreadsheet and post it by Sunday morning. This is premium content and requires a username and password to access. If you have not yet subscribed, please see the Overview and Subscribe page for more information. Subscribers may access the D4L-Data spreadsheet by clicking on the links below:
There is a bug in Internet Explorer (IE) that saves the Open Office ODS file as a ZIP file when downloaded. If you are using IE you will need to download the file and change the .ZIP extension (rename) to an .ODS extension.
If you are having trouble loading the file by clicking on it, you can download the file by right-clicking on the desired link and selecting "Save link as..." in Firefox, "Save target as..." in Internet Explorer, or a similar option in other browsers.
December 2011
D4L-Data: December 31, 2011D4L-Data: December 23, 2011
D4L-Data: December 17, 2011
D4L-Data: December 10, 2011
D4L-Data: December 03, 2011
November 2011
D4L-Data: November 26, 2011D4L-Data: November 19, 2011
D4L-Data: November 12, 2011
D4L-Data: November 05, 2011
October 2011
D4L-Data: October 29, 2011D4L-Data: October 22, 2011
D4L-Data: October 15, 2011
D4L-Data: October 08, 2011
D4L-Data: October 01, 2011
September 2011
D4L-Data: September 24, 2011D4L-Data: September 17, 2011
D4L-Data: September 10, 2011
D4L-Data: September 03, 2011
August 2011
D4L-Data: August 27, 2011D4L-Data: August 20, 2011
D4L-Data: August 13, 2011
D4L-Data: August 06, 2011
July 2011
D4L-Data: July 30, 2011D4L-Data: July 23, 2011
D4L-Data: July 16, 2011
D4L-Data: July 09, 2011
D4L-Data: July 02, 2011
June 2011
D4L-Data: June 25, 2011D4L-Data: June 18, 2011
D4L-Data: June 11, 2011
D4L-Data: June 06, 2011
May 2011
D4L-Data: May 28, 2011D4L-Data: May 21, 2011
D4L-Data: May 14, 2011
D4L-Data: May 07, 2011
April 2011
D4L-Data: April 30, 2011D4L-Data: April 23, 2011
D4L-Data: April 16, 2011
D4L-Data: April 09, 2011
D4L-Data: April 02, 2011
March 2011
D4L-Data: March 26, 2011D4L-Data: March 19, 2011
D4L-Data: March 05, 2011
D4L-Data: March 05, 2011
February 2011
D4L-Data: February 26, 2011D4L-Data: February 19, 2011
D4L-Data: February 12, 2011
D4L-Data: February 05, 2011
January 2011
D4L-Data: January 29, 2011D4L-Data: January 22, 2011
D4L-Data: January 15, 2011
D4L-Data: January 08, 2011
Analytical Reports
This page is no longer maintained.
All Premium content is now available at
D4L-Pemium Services.
Each week, as part of the process of updating the D4L-Dashboard I look at several companies and either create a new analysis or freshen the data of an existing analysis.
These updated analytical reports are available as premium content each weekend for subscribers.
My goal is to update each of the companies followed at least once a quarter and provide access to the most recent analytical report on this page.
If you have not yet subscribed, please see the Overview and Subscribe page for more information on the benefits of subscribing.
Subscribers may access the analytical reports by clicking on the links below:
1972 Abbott Laboratories (ABT)
1974 Archer Daniels Ord Shs (ADM)
1975 Automatic Data Processing Inc. (ADP)
1982 AFLAC Inc. (AFL)
1995 Albemarle Corp. (ALB)
1993 A.O. Smith Corp. (AOS)
1982 Air Products and Chemicals Inc. (APD)
1997 Artesian Resource (ARTNA)
1995 Atlantic Tele-Network (ATNI)
1987 Atmos Energy Corporation (ATO)
1993 AptarGroup, Inc. (ATR)
2002 Avista Corporation (AVA)
1990 Avon Products Inc. (AVP)
1954 American StatesWater Co. (AWR)
1996 BancFirst Corp. (BANF)
1971 C.R. Bard Inc. (BCR)
1973 Becton Dickinson & Co. (BDX)
1981 Franklin Resources Inc. (BEN)
1984 Brown-Forman Corp. (BF.B)
1970 Black Hills Corp. (BKH)
1993 Badger Meter Inc. (BMI)
1983 Bemis Co Inc. (BMS)
1995 Buckeye Partners LP (BPL)
1985 Brady Corp. (BRC)
1983 Brown & Brown Inc. (BRO)
1972 Bowl America (BWL-A)
1996 Cardinal Health Inc. (CAH)
2000 Casey's General Stores Inc. (CASY)
1993 Caterpillar Inc. (CAT)
1964 Chubb Corp. (CB)
1993 Community Bank System (CBU)
1968 Commerce Bancshares Inc. (CBSH)
1997 Capital City Bank Group Inc. (CCBG)
1994 Cullen/Frost Bankers, Inc. (CFR)
1996 Church & Dwight Co. Inc. (CHD)
2003 Cheviot Financial (CHEV)
1998 Ch Robinson Worldwide Inc. (CHRW)
1960 Cincinnati Financial Corp (CINF)
1964 Colgate Palmolive (CL)
1983 CLARCOR Inc. (CLC)
1977 Clorox Co. (CLX)
2001 ConocoPhillips Co. (COP)
2000 Carbo Ceramics, Inc. (CRR)
1993 Courier Corp. (CRRC)
1976 Carlisle Companies Inc. (CSL)
1983 Cintas Corp. (CTAS)
1974 CenturyLink Inc. (CTL)
1969 ConnecticutWater Service Inc. (CTWS)
1980 Community Trust Bank Corp. (CTBI)
1987 Chevron Corporation (CVX)
1967 CaliforniaWater Service Group (CWT)
1953 Diebold Inc. (DBD)
1987 Donaldson Company, Inc. (DCI)
2003 Digital Realty Trust, Inc. (DLR)
1955 Dover Corp. (DOV)
2004 Darden Restaurant Inc. (DRI)
2004 Duke Energy (DUK)
1992 Ecolab Inc. (ECL)
1973 Consolidated Edison, Inc. (ED)
1982 Energen Corp. (EGN)
1957 Emerson Electric Co. (EMR)
1999 EOG Resources Inc. (EOG)
1990 Enterprise Products Partners LP (EPD)
1999 Erie Indemnity Co. (ERIE)
1994 Essex Property Trust Inc. (ESS)
1980 Eaton Vance Corp. (EV)
1994 Expeditors International of Washington Inc. (EXPD)
1998 Fastenal Company (FAST)
1976 Family Dollar Stores Inc. (FDO)
1999 FactSet Research Systems Inc. (FDS)
1992 Franklin Electric (FELE)
1967 Federal Realty Investment Trust (FRT)
1969 H.B. Fuller Co. (FUL)
2002 Nicor Inc. (GAS)
1992 General Dynamics Corp. (GD)
1999 Graco Inc. (GGG)
2003 General Mills, Inc. (GIS)
1956 Genuine Parts Co. (GPC)
1975 Gorman-Rupp Company (GRC)
1996 Getty Realty Corp. (GTY)
1971 WW Grainger Inc. (GWW)
1996 HCC Insurance Holdings Inc. (HCC)
2000 Health Care Property Investors Inc. (HCP)
1987 Harleysville Group Inc. (HGIC)
2005 H.J. Heinz Company (HNZ)
1972 Helmerich & Payne Inc. (HP)
1996 Hormel Foods Corp. (HRL)
1990 Harsco Corp. (HSC)
1995 International Business Machines Corp. (IBM)
2003 Intel Corporation (INTC)
1999 Investors Real Estate Trust (IRET)
1963 Illinois Tool Works Inc. (ITW)
1962 Johnson Controls, Inc. (JCI)
1991 Jack Henry & Associates Inc. (JKHY)
1962 Johnson & Johnson (JNJ)
1994 John Wiley & Sons (JW-A)
1972 Kimberly-Clark Corporation (KMB)
1996 Kinder Morgan Energy Partners LP (KMP)
1962 The Coca-Cola Company (KO)
1972 Lancaster Colony Corp. (LANC)
1972 Leggett & Platt Inc. (LEG)
1999 Linear Technology Corp. (LLTC)
2002 Lockheed Martin Corp. (LMT)
1967 Eli Lilly and Co. (LLY)
1962 Lowe's Companies, Inc. (LOW)
1995 Matthews International Corp. (MATW)
1976 McDonald's Corp. (MCD)
1987 Mercury General Corp. (MCY)
1992 Meredith Corp. (MDP)
1978 Medtronic Inc. (MDT)
1991 MDU Resources Group Inc. (MDU)
1975 MGE Energy Inc. (MGEE)
1992 McGrath Rent Corp. (MGRC)
1973 McGraw-Hill Companies Inc. (MHP)
1986 McCormick & Co Inc. (MKC)
1958 3M Co. (MMM)
1971 Mine Safety Appliances Co. (MSA)
1973 MiddlesexWater Co. (MSEX)
2009 Altria Group Inc. (MO)
2002 Microsoft Corporation (MSFT)
1995 Murphy Oil Corporation (MUR)
1985 Nacco Industries, Inc. (NC)
1964 Nordson Corporation (NDSN)
1995 Nextera Energy, Inc. (NEE)
1970 National Fuel Gas Co. (NFG)
2000 National Health Investors (NHI)
1995 New Jersey Resources Corp. (NJR)
1991 National Retail Properties, Inc. (NNN)
1998 NSTAR (NST)
1973 Nucor Corp. (NUE)
1999 Northeast Utilities (NU)
1955 Northwest Natural Gas Co. (NWN)
1994 Realty Income Corp. (O)
1997 Corporate Office Properties (OFC)
2002 Omega Healthcare Investors Inc. (OHI)
1998 Owens & Minor Inc. (OMI)
1981 Old Republic International (ORI)
1998 Bank Of The Ozarks (OZRK)
2000 Plains All American Pipeline LP (PAA)
1997 People's United Financial Inc. (PBCT)
1982 Pitney Bowes Inc. (PBI)
1972 PepsiCo, Inc. (PEP)
1956 Procter & Gamble Co. (PG)
1956 Parker Hannifin Corp. (PH)
1995 Polaris Industries Inc. (PII)
1976 Pentair Inc. (PNR)
1978 Piedmont Natural Gas (PNY)
1973 PPG Industries, Inc. (PPG)
2001 PP&L Corporation (PPL)
2000 Prosperity Bancshares Inc. (PRSP)
1993 Praxair Inc. (PX)
1986 Raven Industries Inc. (RAVN)
1974 RLI Corp. (RLI)
1993 Roper Industries Inc. (ROP)
1995 Ross Stores Inc. (ROST)
1973 RPM International Inc. (RPM)
2004 Raytheon Company (RTN)
1998 Southside Bancshares Inc. (SBSI)
2000 Scana Corporation (SCG)
1967 Stepan Co. (SCL)
1993 SEI Investments (SEIC)
1993 Stancorp Financial Group (SFG)
1999 Shenandoah Telecommunications (SHEN)
1979 Sherwin-Williams Co. (SHW)
1976 Sigma-Aldrich Corp. (SIAL)
1999 South Jersey Industries Inc. (SJI)
1998 J.M. Smucker Company (SJM)
1967 SJW Corp. (SJW)
1993 Tanger Factory Outlet Centers (SKT)
2001 Senior Housing Properties Trust (SNH)
2001 Southern Company (SO)
1983 Sonoco Products Co. (SON)
1999 Suburban Propane Partners LP (SPH)
1978 Questar Corp. (STR)
1967 Stanley Works (SWK)
1993 Stryker Corporation (SYK)
1971 Sysco Corp. (SYY)
1983 AT&T Inc. (T)
1999 TC PipeLines LP (TCLP)
1975 Telephone and Data Systems Inc. (TDS)
2006 Teco Energy, Inc. (TE)
1958 Integrys Energy Group, Inc. (TEG)
1968 Target Corp. (TGT)
1988 First Financial Corporation (THFF)
1997 The TJX Companies Inc. (TJX)
1972 Tennant Company (TNC)
1965 Tootsie Roll Industries Inc. (TR)
1991 Transatlantic Holdings Inc. (TRH)
1987 T. Rowe Price Group Inc. (TROW)
1994 Urstadt Biddle Properties (UBA)
2006 United Community Bancorp (UcBA)
1994 Universal Forest Products Inc. (UFPI)
1987 UGI Corp (UGI)
1996 Universal Health Realty Income Trust (UHT)
1995 UMB Financial Corporation (UMBF)
1999 UniSource Energy (UNS)
1992 United Technologies Corp. (UTX)
1971 Universal Corporation (UVV)
1981 Valspar Corporation (VAL)
1974 VF Corp. (VFC)
1998 Vector Group, Ltd. (VGR)
1991 Meridian Bioscience Inc. (VIVO)
1959 Vectren Corporation (VVC)
2004 Verizon Communications Inc. (VZ)
1975 Walgreen Co. (WAG)
1981 Weyco Group, Inc. (WEYS)
1976 WGL Holdings Inc. (WGL)
2003 Waste Management, Inc. (WM)
1974 Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. (WMT)
1999 W.P. Carey & Co. (WPC)
2003 Westar Energy, Inc. (WR)
1971 Washington Real Estate Investment Trust (WRE)
2001 Watsco, Inc. (WSO)
1992 West Pharmaceutical Services Inc. (WST)
1991 Aqua America, Inc. (WTR)
1987 Exxon Mobil Corp (XOM)
U.K. Astrazeneca PLC (AZN)
China China Mobile Limited (CHL)
Canada Canadian National Railway Co. (CNI)
Chile Empresa Nacional de Electricidad S.A. (EOC)
U.K. GlaxoSmithKline Plc (GSK)
U.K. National Grid Plc (NGG)
Philippines Philippine Long Distance Telephone Co. (PHI)
Bermuda PartnerRe Ltd. Co. (PRE)
Israel Partner Communications (PTNR)
U.K. Prudential Public PLC (PUK)
Netherlands Royal Dutch Shell Plc (RDS-A)
Canada Shaw Communications (SJR)
Canada TransAlta Corporation (TAC)
Spain Telefonica SA Communications (TEF)
Marshall Islands Teekay Lng Partners LP (TGP)
Mexico Telefonos de Mexico (TMX)
Canada Thomson Reuters Corp. (TRI)
Canada Transcananda Corp. (TRP)
Canada TELUS Corporation (TU)
U.K. Vodafone Group Plc (VOD)
U.K. WPP plc (WPPGY)
This page is no longer maintained.
All Premium content is now available at
D4L-Pemium Services.
These updated analytical reports are available as premium content each weekend for subscribers.
My goal is to update each of the companies followed at least once a quarter and provide access to the most recent analytical report on this page.
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Subscribers may access the analytical reports by clicking on the links below:
U.S. Dividend Stocks
1988 ABM Industries Inc. (ABM)1972 Abbott Laboratories (ABT)
1974 Archer Daniels Ord Shs (ADM)
1975 Automatic Data Processing Inc. (ADP)
1982 AFLAC Inc. (AFL)
1995 Albemarle Corp. (ALB)
1993 A.O. Smith Corp. (AOS)
1982 Air Products and Chemicals Inc. (APD)
1997 Artesian Resource (ARTNA)
1995 Atlantic Tele-Network (ATNI)
1987 Atmos Energy Corporation (ATO)
1993 AptarGroup, Inc. (ATR)
2002 Avista Corporation (AVA)
1990 Avon Products Inc. (AVP)
1954 American StatesWater Co. (AWR)
1996 BancFirst Corp. (BANF)
1971 C.R. Bard Inc. (BCR)
1973 Becton Dickinson & Co. (BDX)
1981 Franklin Resources Inc. (BEN)
1984 Brown-Forman Corp. (BF.B)
1970 Black Hills Corp. (BKH)
1993 Badger Meter Inc. (BMI)
1983 Bemis Co Inc. (BMS)
1995 Buckeye Partners LP (BPL)
1985 Brady Corp. (BRC)
1983 Brown & Brown Inc. (BRO)
1972 Bowl America (BWL-A)
1996 Cardinal Health Inc. (CAH)
2000 Casey's General Stores Inc. (CASY)
1993 Caterpillar Inc. (CAT)
1964 Chubb Corp. (CB)
1993 Community Bank System (CBU)
1968 Commerce Bancshares Inc. (CBSH)
1997 Capital City Bank Group Inc. (CCBG)
1994 Cullen/Frost Bankers, Inc. (CFR)
1996 Church & Dwight Co. Inc. (CHD)
2003 Cheviot Financial (CHEV)
1998 Ch Robinson Worldwide Inc. (CHRW)
1960 Cincinnati Financial Corp (CINF)
1964 Colgate Palmolive (CL)
1983 CLARCOR Inc. (CLC)
1977 Clorox Co. (CLX)
2001 ConocoPhillips Co. (COP)
2000 Carbo Ceramics, Inc. (CRR)
1993 Courier Corp. (CRRC)
1976 Carlisle Companies Inc. (CSL)
1983 Cintas Corp. (CTAS)
1974 CenturyLink Inc. (CTL)
1969 ConnecticutWater Service Inc. (CTWS)
1980 Community Trust Bank Corp. (CTBI)
1987 Chevron Corporation (CVX)
1967 CaliforniaWater Service Group (CWT)
1953 Diebold Inc. (DBD)
1987 Donaldson Company, Inc. (DCI)
2003 Digital Realty Trust, Inc. (DLR)
1955 Dover Corp. (DOV)
2004 Darden Restaurant Inc. (DRI)
2004 Duke Energy (DUK)
1992 Ecolab Inc. (ECL)
1973 Consolidated Edison, Inc. (ED)
1982 Energen Corp. (EGN)
1957 Emerson Electric Co. (EMR)
1999 EOG Resources Inc. (EOG)
1990 Enterprise Products Partners LP (EPD)
1999 Erie Indemnity Co. (ERIE)
1994 Essex Property Trust Inc. (ESS)
1980 Eaton Vance Corp. (EV)
1994 Expeditors International of Washington Inc. (EXPD)
1998 Fastenal Company (FAST)
1976 Family Dollar Stores Inc. (FDO)
1999 FactSet Research Systems Inc. (FDS)
1992 Franklin Electric (FELE)
1967 Federal Realty Investment Trust (FRT)
1969 H.B. Fuller Co. (FUL)
2002 Nicor Inc. (GAS)
1992 General Dynamics Corp. (GD)
1999 Graco Inc. (GGG)
2003 General Mills, Inc. (GIS)
1956 Genuine Parts Co. (GPC)
1975 Gorman-Rupp Company (GRC)
1996 Getty Realty Corp. (GTY)
1971 WW Grainger Inc. (GWW)
1996 HCC Insurance Holdings Inc. (HCC)
2000 Health Care Property Investors Inc. (HCP)
1987 Harleysville Group Inc. (HGIC)
2005 H.J. Heinz Company (HNZ)
1972 Helmerich & Payne Inc. (HP)
1996 Hormel Foods Corp. (HRL)
1990 Harsco Corp. (HSC)
1995 International Business Machines Corp. (IBM)
2003 Intel Corporation (INTC)
1999 Investors Real Estate Trust (IRET)
1963 Illinois Tool Works Inc. (ITW)
1962 Johnson Controls, Inc. (JCI)
1991 Jack Henry & Associates Inc. (JKHY)
1962 Johnson & Johnson (JNJ)
1994 John Wiley & Sons (JW-A)
1972 Kimberly-Clark Corporation (KMB)
1996 Kinder Morgan Energy Partners LP (KMP)
1962 The Coca-Cola Company (KO)
1972 Lancaster Colony Corp. (LANC)
1972 Leggett & Platt Inc. (LEG)
1999 Linear Technology Corp. (LLTC)
2002 Lockheed Martin Corp. (LMT)
1967 Eli Lilly and Co. (LLY)
1962 Lowe's Companies, Inc. (LOW)
1995 Matthews International Corp. (MATW)
1976 McDonald's Corp. (MCD)
1987 Mercury General Corp. (MCY)
1992 Meredith Corp. (MDP)
1978 Medtronic Inc. (MDT)
1991 MDU Resources Group Inc. (MDU)
1975 MGE Energy Inc. (MGEE)
1992 McGrath Rent Corp. (MGRC)
1973 McGraw-Hill Companies Inc. (MHP)
1986 McCormick & Co Inc. (MKC)
1958 3M Co. (MMM)
1971 Mine Safety Appliances Co. (MSA)
1973 MiddlesexWater Co. (MSEX)
2009 Altria Group Inc. (MO)
2002 Microsoft Corporation (MSFT)
1995 Murphy Oil Corporation (MUR)
1985 Nacco Industries, Inc. (NC)
1964 Nordson Corporation (NDSN)
1995 Nextera Energy, Inc. (NEE)
1970 National Fuel Gas Co. (NFG)
2000 National Health Investors (NHI)
1995 New Jersey Resources Corp. (NJR)
1991 National Retail Properties, Inc. (NNN)
1998 NSTAR (NST)
1973 Nucor Corp. (NUE)
1999 Northeast Utilities (NU)
1955 Northwest Natural Gas Co. (NWN)
1994 Realty Income Corp. (O)
1997 Corporate Office Properties (OFC)
2002 Omega Healthcare Investors Inc. (OHI)
1998 Owens & Minor Inc. (OMI)
1981 Old Republic International (ORI)
1998 Bank Of The Ozarks (OZRK)
2000 Plains All American Pipeline LP (PAA)
1997 People's United Financial Inc. (PBCT)
1982 Pitney Bowes Inc. (PBI)
1972 PepsiCo, Inc. (PEP)
1956 Procter & Gamble Co. (PG)
1956 Parker Hannifin Corp. (PH)
1995 Polaris Industries Inc. (PII)
1976 Pentair Inc. (PNR)
1978 Piedmont Natural Gas (PNY)
1973 PPG Industries, Inc. (PPG)
2001 PP&L Corporation (PPL)
2000 Prosperity Bancshares Inc. (PRSP)
1993 Praxair Inc. (PX)
1986 Raven Industries Inc. (RAVN)
1974 RLI Corp. (RLI)
1993 Roper Industries Inc. (ROP)
1995 Ross Stores Inc. (ROST)
1973 RPM International Inc. (RPM)
2004 Raytheon Company (RTN)
1998 Southside Bancshares Inc. (SBSI)
2000 Scana Corporation (SCG)
1967 Stepan Co. (SCL)
1993 SEI Investments (SEIC)
1993 Stancorp Financial Group (SFG)
1999 Shenandoah Telecommunications (SHEN)
1979 Sherwin-Williams Co. (SHW)
1976 Sigma-Aldrich Corp. (SIAL)
1999 South Jersey Industries Inc. (SJI)
1998 J.M. Smucker Company (SJM)
1967 SJW Corp. (SJW)
1993 Tanger Factory Outlet Centers (SKT)
2001 Senior Housing Properties Trust (SNH)
2001 Southern Company (SO)
1983 Sonoco Products Co. (SON)
1999 Suburban Propane Partners LP (SPH)
1978 Questar Corp. (STR)
1967 Stanley Works (SWK)
1993 Stryker Corporation (SYK)
1971 Sysco Corp. (SYY)
1983 AT&T Inc. (T)
1999 TC PipeLines LP (TCLP)
1975 Telephone and Data Systems Inc. (TDS)
2006 Teco Energy, Inc. (TE)
1958 Integrys Energy Group, Inc. (TEG)
1968 Target Corp. (TGT)
1988 First Financial Corporation (THFF)
1997 The TJX Companies Inc. (TJX)
1972 Tennant Company (TNC)
1965 Tootsie Roll Industries Inc. (TR)
1991 Transatlantic Holdings Inc. (TRH)
1987 T. Rowe Price Group Inc. (TROW)
1994 Urstadt Biddle Properties (UBA)
2006 United Community Bancorp (UcBA)
1994 Universal Forest Products Inc. (UFPI)
1987 UGI Corp (UGI)
1996 Universal Health Realty Income Trust (UHT)
1995 UMB Financial Corporation (UMBF)
1999 UniSource Energy (UNS)
1992 United Technologies Corp. (UTX)
1971 Universal Corporation (UVV)
1981 Valspar Corporation (VAL)
1974 VF Corp. (VFC)
1998 Vector Group, Ltd. (VGR)
1991 Meridian Bioscience Inc. (VIVO)
1959 Vectren Corporation (VVC)
2004 Verizon Communications Inc. (VZ)
1975 Walgreen Co. (WAG)
1981 Weyco Group, Inc. (WEYS)
1976 WGL Holdings Inc. (WGL)
2003 Waste Management, Inc. (WM)
1974 Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. (WMT)
1999 W.P. Carey & Co. (WPC)
2003 Westar Energy, Inc. (WR)
1971 Washington Real Estate Investment Trust (WRE)
2001 Watsco, Inc. (WSO)
1992 West Pharmaceutical Services Inc. (WST)
1991 Aqua America, Inc. (WTR)
1987 Exxon Mobil Corp (XOM)
International Dividend Stocks
Brazil Companhia De Bebi (ABV)U.K. Astrazeneca PLC (AZN)
China China Mobile Limited (CHL)
Canada Canadian National Railway Co. (CNI)
Chile Empresa Nacional de Electricidad S.A. (EOC)
U.K. GlaxoSmithKline Plc (GSK)
U.K. National Grid Plc (NGG)
Philippines Philippine Long Distance Telephone Co. (PHI)
Bermuda PartnerRe Ltd. Co. (PRE)
Israel Partner Communications (PTNR)
U.K. Prudential Public PLC (PUK)
Netherlands Royal Dutch Shell Plc (RDS-A)
Canada Shaw Communications (SJR)
Canada TransAlta Corporation (TAC)
Spain Telefonica SA Communications (TEF)
Marshall Islands Teekay Lng Partners LP (TGP)
Mexico Telefonos de Mexico (TMX)
Canada Thomson Reuters Corp. (TRI)
Canada Transcananda Corp. (TRP)
Canada TELUS Corporation (TU)
U.K. Vodafone Group Plc (VOD)
U.K. WPP plc (WPPGY)
2011 D4L-Dashboards
"You See What I See"
Each weekend I update the D4L-Dashboard and post it by Sunday morning. This is premium content and requires a username and password to access.
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D4L-Dashboard: December 23, 2011
D4L-Dashboard: December 17, 2011
D4L-Dashboard: December 10, 2011
D4L-Dashboard: December 03, 2011
D4L-Dashboard: November 19, 2011
D4L-Dashboard: November 12, 2011
D4L-Dashboard: November 05, 2011
D4L-Dashboard: October 22, 2011
D4L-Dashboard: October 15, 2011
D4L-Dashboard: October 08, 2011
D4L-Dashboard: October 01, 2011
D4L-Dashboard: September 17, 2011
D4L-Dashboard: September 10, 2011
D4L-Dashboard: September 03, 2011
D4L-Dashboard: August 20, 2011
D4L-Dashboard: August 13, 2011
D4L-Dashboard: August 06, 2011
D4L-Dashboard: July 23, 2011
D4L-Dashboard: July 16, 2011
D4L-Dashboard: July 09, 2011
D4L-Dashboard: July 02, 2011
D4L-Dashboard: June 18, 2011
D4L-Dashboard: June 11, 2011
D4L-Dashboard: June 06, 2011
D4L-Dashboard: May 21, 2011
D4L-Dashboard: May 14, 2011
D4L-Dashboard: May 07, 2011
D4L-Dashboard: April 23, 2011
D4L-Dashboard: April 16, 2011
D4L-Dashboard: April 09, 2011
D4L-Dashboard: April 02, 2011
D4L-Dashboard: March 19, 2011
D4L-Dashboard: March 12, 2011
D4L-Dashboard: March 05, 2011
D4L-Dashboard: February 19, 2011
D4L-Dashboard: February 12, 2011
D4L-Dashboard: February 05, 2011
D4L-Dashboard: January 22, 2011
D4L-Dashboard: January 15, 2011
D4L-Dashboard: January 08, 2011
Each weekend I update the D4L-Dashboard and post it by Sunday morning. This is premium content and requires a username and password to access.
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December 2011
D4L-Dashboard: December 31, 2011D4L-Dashboard: December 23, 2011
D4L-Dashboard: December 17, 2011
D4L-Dashboard: December 10, 2011
D4L-Dashboard: December 03, 2011
November 2011
D4L-Dashboard: November 26, 2011D4L-Dashboard: November 19, 2011
D4L-Dashboard: November 12, 2011
D4L-Dashboard: November 05, 2011
October 2011
D4L-Dashboard: October 29, 2011D4L-Dashboard: October 22, 2011
D4L-Dashboard: October 15, 2011
D4L-Dashboard: October 08, 2011
D4L-Dashboard: October 01, 2011
September 2011
D4L-Dashboard: September 24, 2011D4L-Dashboard: September 17, 2011
D4L-Dashboard: September 10, 2011
D4L-Dashboard: September 03, 2011
August 2011
D4L-Dashboard: August 27, 2011D4L-Dashboard: August 20, 2011
D4L-Dashboard: August 13, 2011
D4L-Dashboard: August 06, 2011
July 2011
D4L-Dashboard: July 30, 2011D4L-Dashboard: July 23, 2011
D4L-Dashboard: July 16, 2011
D4L-Dashboard: July 09, 2011
D4L-Dashboard: July 02, 2011
June 2011
D4L-Dashboard: June 25, 2011D4L-Dashboard: June 18, 2011
D4L-Dashboard: June 11, 2011
D4L-Dashboard: June 06, 2011
May 2011
D4L-Dashboard: May 28, 2011D4L-Dashboard: May 21, 2011
D4L-Dashboard: May 14, 2011
D4L-Dashboard: May 07, 2011
April 2011
D4L-Dashboard: April 30, 2011D4L-Dashboard: April 23, 2011
D4L-Dashboard: April 16, 2011
D4L-Dashboard: April 09, 2011
D4L-Dashboard: April 02, 2011
March 2011
D4L-Dashboard: March 26, 2011D4L-Dashboard: March 19, 2011
D4L-Dashboard: March 12, 2011
D4L-Dashboard: March 05, 2011
February 2011
D4L-Dashboard: February 26, 2011D4L-Dashboard: February 19, 2011
D4L-Dashboard: February 12, 2011
D4L-Dashboard: February 05, 2011
January 2011
D4L-Dashboard: January 29, 2011D4L-Dashboard: January 22, 2011
D4L-Dashboard: January 15, 2011
D4L-Dashboard: January 08, 2011
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