Most people don't mind, and even like, PayPal, but a few others have had a bad experience with the company. Often this is hard (or impossible) to overcome. With that in mind, I spent a significant amount of time looking for an alternate company to process and collect payments. The company needed to be recognizable, have a good reputation and a large user base. Given that, Google Checkout was the logical choice.
In December, I began experimenting with Google Checkout and got comfortable enough to add it as an alternative way to subscribe. So what's the difference between the two? As noted in the D4L-FAQ, "The PayPal option provides the most flexibility. With it you can subscribe monthly or annually. Since it is a subscription, the PayPal price you pay will not increase as long as the subscription is active. Google Checkout only offers a 12 month subscription that must be manually renewed each year at the current price – which means you could end up with a price increase from your previous subscription." Google Checkout is working on a automatic renewing subscription, but I am not comfortable with implementing something that is labeled as 'experimental'.
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