Description | Oct-2008 | Year-To-Date | Life-To-Date |
Beg. Portfolio Value | 1,506.71 | - | - |
Online Cash Receipts | 748.05 | 2,355.37 | 2,355.37 |
Online Expenses | - | (20.00) | (20.00) |
Gross Profit | 748.05 | 2,335.37 | 2,335.37 |
Dividends | - | - | - |
Interest Income | 1.11 | 3.60 | 3.60 |
Subtotal | 749.16 | 2,338.97 | 2,338.97 |
Gain/(Loss) | (9.40) | (92.50) | (92.50) |
Ending Portfolio Value | 2,246.47 | 2,246.47 | 2,246.47 |
Portfolio Returns | (0.4%) | 0.0% | 0.0% |
During the month of October I had several one-time direct sale ads. This will allow me to purchase my second stock in the PCP during the month of November. It is my goal to have sufficient earnings to purchase a stock at least once a quarter. At the end of October I had $1,252.47 in cash. After purchasing a stock in November, the $200+ remaining will go toward purchasing another stock in Q1/2009.
My PCP holdings are always available by selecting the Holdings option from the menu in the header.