Each Friday I highlight the Carnivals I participated in over the past week, along with any notable articles that I came across. For those readers not familiar with carnivals, it's where personal finance bloggers submit their best articles of the week with one blog serving as the host. The entries are separated into various categories such as Investing, Credit, Debt, Budgeting, Frugality, Wealth Building, Money Management, Financial Planning, Insurance, Taxes, The Economy, Real Estate, et. al.
Below are the carnivals that I participated in this week, along with a link to my article:
Articles I enjoyed reading included (in no particular order):
The DIV-Net Featured Articles
Articles From DIV-Net Members
The Wealth, Money & Life Network Featured Articles
Other Articles
- Central Europe & Russia Fund Inc. (CEE) Analysis - Revisited posted at One Family's Blog, notes, "An analysis of CEE, a closed-end exchange traded fund (ETF) focused on Central Europe & Russia trading at a double-digit discount to NAV."
- Your Finish Rich Plan presents Understanding Stock Market Volatility: Perception vs. Reality noting, "The stock market can be very volatile in the short-run, but when considering longer time frames, it's not nearly as volatile and is actually quite predictable"
- MagicDiligence - Optimizing Joel Greenblatts Value Stock Strategy notes in the post, The Problem with Investing in Banks, that "Magic Formula investors have luckily been spared from the calamity in financial stocks over the past year. But even in the best of times, banking is a risky industry that is difficult to properly value, and should be avoided by most individual investors."
- FIRE Finance writes about some of the risk factors that impact the market in the post, Investment Risks at a Glance.
- The Iconoclast Investor offers insight into the recent market volatility, 10 Observations About This Financial Storm.
- The Financial Blogger notes in the post, Is the apocalypse among us?, that "The US market is going down and major companies are following the trend. What is going on?"
- Doing Nothing Can Be a Strategic Response to a Market Crash posted at Tough Money Love » Hard Truth and Tough Love for Money Problems and Personal Finance, saying, "When the market is in crisis, doing nothing can be a strategic response"
There are some really good articles here, please take time and read a few of them.