Below are the carnivals that I participated in this week, along with a link to my article:
- Investing Carnival published: Stock Analysis: RLI Corp (RLI)
- Festival of Stocks published: Stock Analysis: Entertainment Properties Trust (EPR) A Buy, But...
- Carnival of Personal Finance published: Strategically Managing Your Dividend Portfolio In A Downturn
- Carnival of Money Hacks published: Is The Financial Crisis Getting the Best of Warren Buffett?
The DIV-Net Featured Articles
- Disciplined Approach to Investing presented A Look At The Consumer
- Dividends4Life presented Stock Analysis: Sovran Self Storage, Inc. (SSS)
- the moneygardener presented No Dividend Cuts Yet From Canadian Banks
- The Stock Market Prognosticator presented The Financial Crisis and the Collapse of Ethical Behavior
- Dividend Growth Investor presented International Over diversification
- The Dividend Guy presented Viewing My Sector and Asset Allocation
- Dividend Growth Investor presented Dividend Portfolio Investing for monthly income
- the moneygardener presented portfolio weighting breakdown
- Stock Market Prognosticator presented Is The Housing Market About To Turn?
- The Div Guy presented Procter & Gamble, Durable in a Downturn
- Disciplined Approach to Investing presented Dividend Deterioration
- Living Off Dividends & Passive Income presented Real Estate Only Goes Up!
- Old School Value presented Analysing Financial Statements and AeroGrow
- Triaging My Way To Financial Success presented Dividend Investor Interview I
- Dividend Money presented Invest Now When The Odds Are In Your Favor
- Barel Karsan presented Beware The Big Bath
- Dollar Frugal presented Save Money by Researching Your Problem at the Library
- How I Save Money presented Tracking My Finances In 2008: December 3
- Saving For A Home Of My Own presented November Net Worth
- Don presents Beginner Stock Market Investing posted at Beginners Investing Guide.
- Intelligent Speculator presents So just how volatile was October? posted at Intelligent Speculator, saying, "Every day, when looking at a newspaper or any news broadcast on TV, the first story seemed to be a big day on the markets (usually a big DOWN day)."
- Michael Cohen presents Traits Of A Good Investor | The Stock Investor - Stock Advice And Tips posted at The Stock Investor, saying, "These are the three most importnat traits of a successful stock investor."
- Contrarian Profits presents Financial advice | The Five Keys To Value Investing Profits - Contrarian Stock Market Investing News - Featuring Bargain Stocks posted at Contrarian Profits, saying, "Even the most conservative value funds have been whacked this year. But Keith Fitz-Gerald says following a value-investing discipline is the smartest thing to do right now. That’s where the big recovery gains will be. He gives five tips on how to seek out “real value” in the market."
- Jared Schneider presents 3 Rocking Stocks to Buy Before Christmas 2008 | Investing Tips/ Commentary | posted at InvestorPitStop.com, saying, "These are stocks that are greatly undervalued, and present a good investing opportunity."
- Tushar Mathur presents Count the number of US banks collapsed this year posted at Invest In India, saying, "With slumping home prices and the worsening economic crisis taking an increasing toll on financial institutions, as many as 22 American banks have collapsed so far this year."