
Tuesday, November 14, 2023

High-Yield Energy Stocks Growing Their Dividends

From the time fire was first discovered until now, energy has played a critical role in the development of modern man. As our society developed, we have required an increasingly large amount of energy. We rely on companies in the Energy Sector to supply our needs.

The Energy Sector includes businesses engaged in the production and sale of energy products. This includes extraction, manufacturing, refining and distribution. As the world's population increases and third-world countries continue to develop, there will be more intense demand on our finite supply of energy.

In the past we have seen this imbalance manifest itself in the form of higher gasoline and diesel prices, which has resulted in upward price pressure on products or raw materials that have to be transported - which is nearly all of them.

The sector is certainly volatile, as recently demonstrated with over supply taking the forefront driving prices to recent lows. These large swings weed out the weak participants, leaving the strong to enjoy the fruits of the next upturn.

However, the energy sector will only become more valuable as time passes and resources become more scarce.

My database, D4L-Data, is an Open Office spreadsheet containing more than 20 columns of information on the 150+ companies that I track. The data is sortable and has built-in buttons and macros to make it easy to use. Companies included in the list are those that have had a history of dividend growth. The D4L-Data spreadsheet is a part of D4L-Premium Services and is updated each Saturday for subscribers.

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